Winnie Update!

A comment earlier today made us realize we haven't posted an update about Winnie even after her vet visit on July 3. We are sorry to leave you all hanging!
History: Winnie is an approximately 10-month old filly who was purchased at auction on May 4, 2024, with a completely buckled over front hoof from contracted tendons which she likely had from birth. When she turned out to be under a year and her x-rays were very clean, she was scheduled for surgery on June 19, 2024, at which time her DDFT was cut as well as one branch of the SDFT. Her initial recovery was not as good as we had hoped, so she had a coffin joint injection, splint and shoe applied. After that, she finally started walking as needed.
She returned to her vet on July 3 for a 2-week check-in as well as removal of stitches. We are happy to report that she is making a strong recovery and the splint was removed. She was sent home with a wrap and as of this week she is now no longer requiring wraps. She is getting stronger, having regular walks, and will start increasing her available space as she continues to improve.
Her foot is still deformed, though much closer to just being a little clubby than it was. She will require regular rehab trims to attempt to correct the club as much as we can, and potentially will continue to require a shoe. She does toe out more than we'd like on that leg, but Dr. Black is confident as she relearns how to walk and builds strength in her knee, elbow and shoulder, as well as grows and her chest broadens, her toeing out should resolve on its own.
Her next trim is on July 20, and we are likely going to take her in to our local vet for a quick x-ray to see where her bones are before starting trims. But we are very happy with her progress.
If you'd like to support Winnie's recovery, or help us help all of the horses in our, please consider a donation: