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What do you call a horse who lives next door to you?

👋 Your neigh-bor. 😄
We love the sense of community created by participating in the South Dakota Gives activities - and this week they ask us to tell you about another organization we really admire. There are so many it's hard to chose, but we really love working with McCrossan Boys Ranch !
McCrossan helps at-risk and troubled youth and horses are a huge part of their program. Everyone we know there is kind and helpful, and the boys volunteer in the community regularly - including sometimes making the long drive down to help us! McCrossan's makes a significant impact in the boys' futures while building confidence and respect, and we love them for it!
Be sure and check them out and don't forget to #givewithglee #forSouthDakota! Keep an eye out for plenty more #barnyardbanter and #ponypuns as we countdown the final two weeks until #givingtuesday!