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Update on Lily!

Let's talk about Lily!
If you watched our YouTube video or the Reel we posted last night, you know that we found out that Lily is in foal for 2025! Using the foal's eye measurement, she is estimated to be between 183-214 days pregnant, meaning we can expect a foal probably early June - but that's just an estimate and based on 340 days gestation. Honestly, it could be anywhere from March - August 😉
She was also seen for a growth on her eye that we recognized as likely squamous cell carcinoma, a highly aggressive cancer that pink skinned horses are prone to. It's similar to melanoma in humans, in that it's affected by UV and fast growing. Under normal circumstances, our local vet would be able to remove it, but the pregnancy has complicated things, so she has been referred on to our surgical vets, Nebraska Equine.
We've spoken to them and they are willing to remove the tumor surgically while she is pregnant but she will not be able to start chemotherapy until after the foal is here (and possibly weaned). Anesthesia during pregnancy has risks, but we are willing to take those risks to avoid the tumor spreading and hopefully minimizing the area needed to be removed for surgery.
She also had her teeth floated, and we are aging her at about 15-16. She was a very good girl for the vet and we're very happy with her bravery and willingness!
Monday's vet visit for Lily, Delegate's x-rays, and 60 days of Prascend for Thomas was $950. We can expect Lily's surgery to be around $2000, which we will need to raise before scheduling her.
Consider a donation to her surgery? and just make a note that it's for Lily.
I can setup a separate campaign if you'd prefer, but go ahead and donate now - I can change the campaign it is credited to if we go that route!