#RehabRoundup January 11, 2024 - let's check in on the horses currently in rehab
#RehabRoundup - let's check in on the horses currently in rehab at the rescue

Sterling - 11/11 auction save, 23-yr-old gray gelding, emaciated, weight gain. Sterling has had his teeth floated, and is gaining weight well. He could still gain a little but we are removing him from rehab and making him available for adoption!
Nelly - 34-yr-old Arabian mare, choke. Nelly continued to show eating problems after her choke so we had a dental exam done and found she desperately needed a float. She's doing well now and off rehab.

Cinna - 11/11 auction save, 5-yr-old QH gelding, swollen/injured leg. X-rays showed no bone or joint injury, just a large untreated wound. Had surgery on 1/3 to open the wound and remove scar tissue to encourage healing and decrease the size of the leg. Consider a donation to help: https://givebutter.com/cinnasurgery
Benny - 16-yr-old TB gelding, navicular/lameness. Lameness seems more in left hind/right front, and left hind had a tendon injury, so continued rest and will revisit treatment and options in spring. We have noticed several days with no limp, so are somewhat optimistic that he is healing.

Lucy - in pasture, calm and friendly. Much calmer when bonded friends removed from pasture and accepting attention even in a group of friends without aggression. Has been accepting the halter over her nose and not showing any aggression when her friends are removed and actively seeking attention from people. Goal: Dakota Showdown 2024 prospect.
Kody - in pasture, calming, and curious. Physical condition fully rehabbed, working on friendliness. Is being caught and brought in, and had his first (lightly sedated) meeting with the farrier.

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Or donate at http://gentlespirithorses.org/donate