Articles & Updates

6/19/24 Winnie & Saylor update!

Written by Gentle Spirit Horses Rescue & Sanctuary | Jun 20, 2024 8:17:59 AM
Saylor successfully became a gelding yesterday and is doing great. He will be looking for a home!
Winnie also successfully made it through surgery on her front right leg that was contracted. They did have to be a bit more aggressive, releasing the deep digital flexor tendon and one branch of the superficial digital flexor tendon. At 24 hours post-surgery the vets are not satisfied with how much she is relaxing, which is concerning. They can manipulate the hoof into the appropriate position, but Winnie is not yet choosing to force it to land properly or bear full weight on it. Because she was likely born like this, and only knows how to walk with her joints knuckled over and on the front of her hoof wall, this is obviously a big change. The plan is to add a splint today if she doesn't start placing it properly.
As of now, we will pick them both up on Saturday from the vet. Saylor could be picked up already, but it's a nearly 4 hour drive one-way so unfortunately he has to stay as well. Hopefully Winnie continues to progress ... please keep sending all the good thoughts you can!
We are still short of our goal for her surgery and recovery and Saylor's castration costs are higher than expected due to staying at the hospital. If you can help, please do!
We'll update you as we get updates. Thank you for believing in her and us!