Twice a Day, Every Day
It was negative 7 last night without the windchill. Before we went to bed last night we made sure our water heaters were all plugged in and working and all water troughs were filled up. It would have been very easy this morning to just feed everyone and not take the extra time to double check our waters, thinking that since they were good last night they are good this morning. But we didn't and we are glad that we always check waters twice a day in this horrid cold.

This is what we found this morning. Partially frozen water troughs. The breaker tripped. Probably because of the amount of heaters on one breaker. So we moved some heaters around and got the power back on. Found our really big hammer and broke the ice so everyone can drink while it was thawing.
Also pictured is our seniors water with a working heater this morning. Lesson on the day. Check your waters twice a day, every day!