Belle is one month old!
At one month old, Belle is a very active foal who loves to run. She is starting to experiment with solid foods, stealing grain and soaked alfalfa cubes (her favorite) from her Mama, trying to eat grass and hay, and is super curious. In her first month we've dealt with a lot, as she struggled to pass her meconium, then on day 10 had urine coming from her navel and had to be on antibiotics and have her temperature checked multiple times a day for several days. She's extremely active and loves that tree so has had a couple of scrapes that we've had to watch. But she's a happy, active, healthy filly that we adore!

Dixie and Belle are available for adoption together for a single adoption fee of $750 until Belle weans. Both will be adopted with our standard "no breeding" contract. If interested in them, start here: